Friday, November 13, 2009

Not So Great Financial Advisor runnig a Marketing Seminar TODAY!

That last few minutes just so lame! Here is a video of bunch of people being churned by "advisor".

John Bogle - brilliant!

20 min one of the latest videos of Mr Bogle.

Buffett: Index funds better for most investors

Sun May 6, 2007

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is going on with all Lehman Brothers???

From CEO to CEO - moving on to Neuberger Berman ah?
It's so remarkable that one of a senior "team member"said at 2:33 min mark in this old (2004) corporate video : "I think we are going to leverage everything that we've built to get to another level". And they truly did exactly that!

Watch how "original" it is from MSN video which originally came from CNBC channel plus some former employee talking

You can find a lot more about NB now on CNBC

Gary Kaminsky:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Magic Money Machine - Joel Greenblatt

2006 Canadian view on Greenblatt's Gotham Capital and his "The Little Book That Beats the Market".
1997 in his "You Can Be A Stock Market Genius" he mentions:
- Bruce Newberg, a securities trader, as a full partner in Gotham success.

Today's website from Joel Greenblatt and his class at Columbia business school where he is an Adjunct Professor. Check out the required reading for the course:

Front Cover

Greenblatt, J., You Can Be a Stock Market Genius –– required
Greenblatt, J., The Little Book That Beats the Market –– required
Graham, B., The Intelligent Investor –– recommended
Plus – selections from Graham, B., O’Glove, T., Buffett, M., and more