Friday, November 13, 2009

Not So Great Financial Advisor runnig a Marketing Seminar TODAY!

That last few minutes just so lame! Here is a video of bunch of people being churned by "advisor".

John Bogle - brilliant!

20 min one of the latest videos of Mr Bogle.

Buffett: Index funds better for most investors

Sun May 6, 2007

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is going on with all Lehman Brothers???

From CEO to CEO - moving on to Neuberger Berman ah?
It's so remarkable that one of a senior "team member"said at 2:33 min mark in this old (2004) corporate video : "I think we are going to leverage everything that we've built to get to another level". And they truly did exactly that!

Watch how "original" it is from MSN video which originally came from CNBC channel plus some former employee talking

You can find a lot more about NB now on CNBC

Gary Kaminsky:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Magic Money Machine - Joel Greenblatt

2006 Canadian view on Greenblatt's Gotham Capital and his "The Little Book That Beats the Market".
1997 in his "You Can Be A Stock Market Genius" he mentions:
- Bruce Newberg, a securities trader, as a full partner in Gotham success.

Today's website from Joel Greenblatt and his class at Columbia business school where he is an Adjunct Professor. Check out the required reading for the course:

Front Cover

Greenblatt, J., You Can Be a Stock Market Genius –– required
Greenblatt, J., The Little Book That Beats the Market –– required
Graham, B., The Intelligent Investor –– recommended
Plus – selections from Graham, B., O’Glove, T., Buffett, M., and more

UK Banker FT interview - very funny, Thanks FT!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Russian Friends

Some from the readers of Prof Demodaran, from Russia.
Ms Rodriguez and her presentation on derivatives

Prof. Damodaran - Stern, NY

His blog and the website just amazing!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Aristotle said, “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead”

Fibonacci numbers:

- sunflowers
-pine cones
-nautilus seashell

The golden mean = 1.618 (like in Parthenon)
After first 10 or so numbers in the series, each Fibonacci number divided by its
immediate predecessor will equal the golden mean 1.618.

Kondratev Wave Theory

Nikolay Kondratev was Russian economist and statistician in1892.
He identified long term business cycles with a period of 50 to 60 years.
He became well known after the US crash of 1870.
Note the crashes of 1870, 1929, 1987 and 2008? or everything still ahead???

World Business Forum 2009

1. From WSJ video coverage and emerging market and jobs
2. From bloggers - thanks, actually BIG thanks to Stu Miniman!
3. From Fox few videos:

Manipulation og the Market

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What to Read

Investment Madness - How Psychology Affects Your - Investing and What to Do About It

What FP earns? and What do top bankers?

Thanks to thegreedybankers:
i like this very honest guy:

True but a little bit A B/S

You Tube finance friends

Weekly bites from Sound Investing

From John C Bogle (Jack?)

Jack's Bogle Blog with links to his all video appearences

From Warren Buffetts of the World

So we have a Canadian "Warren Buffett" Prem Watsa is Chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial Holdings (FFH)

University of Waterloo installs Prem Watsa as its ninth chancellor

WATERLOO, Ont. (Monday, June 8, 2009) - Prem Watsa, University of Waterloo's new chancellor, is sure his dad would be proud of him today.

"He was an educator, a school principal in India who valued learning and made sure his children all got an education," said Watsa, one of Canada's leading business figures.

That's why he is delighted at the honor of being officially installed as Waterloo's ninth chancellor tomorrow, at 10 a.m., during the convocation for the faculties of applied health sciences and environment. Watsa will also address the graduating class, parents and visitors, the first of several convocations this week at which he will help confer degrees on approximately 4,000 graduands from all six faculties.

The accomplished Watsa, chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd., has praised Waterloo for its history for boldness, unconventionality and penchant for seizing opportunity.

"This university was founded by businessmen, built by initiative and taking the unconventional path, a strategy that has resulted in a world-class institution," he said, adding, "It is a wonderful honor Waterloo is bestowing on me."

Watsa succeeds RIM founder and Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis who is completing two terms as chancellor. Waterloo will name Lazaridis chancellor emeritus at a ceremony on Saturday, June 13. The chancellor serves as a leading ambassador for the university and presides over convocation ceremonies, conferring degrees, diplomas and certificates on graduating students.

Watsa brings to the position outstanding financial acumen, extensive international experience along with a strong belief in the value of supporting students and community.

"Prem Watsa is a tremendous self-made leader who demonstrates integrity and reflects the qualities the university embraces and seeks to encourage among our students," said Waterloo's president David Johnston. "We value his leadership and guidance especially during these economically challenging times for the post-secondary sector."

Born in Hyderabad, India in 1950, Watsa earned a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1971. He moved to Ontario the following year and later earned an MBA from the University of Western Ontario.

His professional career began at Confederation Life Insurance Co. in Toronto and he served as vice-president of Confederation Life Investment Counsel from 1974 to 1983. He then spent a year as vice-president of start-up firm GW Asset Management.

Watsa co-founded Hamblin Watsa Investment Counsel Ltd. (now fully owned by Fairfax) in 1984. The next year he took control of Markel Financial Holdings Ltd.

In 1987, he re-organized Markel and renamed it Fairfax, which is short for fair and friendly acquisitions. The name reflects the company's guiding principles, which maintain that honesty and integrity are essential in all relationships and will never be compromised.

Waterloo's sixth decade plan, which took effect in 2007, calls for a focus on the undergraduate student experience, a growing of grad studies and an expansion of the university's international reach that will include the opening of two campuses abroad.

Videos and Audios

Audio book "Intelligent Investor"